Monday, February 20, 2006

Monday Night ....Skiing

Why does Snoop Dogg carry an umbrella?

Come on, you can figure it out. (Hint: it's another bad joke!)

Just enough room for a diaper, hahaha.



Wednesday, February 15, 2006

DTB, Yay!

Strapping Young Lad = world's greatest metal band.
Devin Townsend = Canada's best-kept musical secret. Oh ya, and both are bigger in Europe (and yes, in Japan) than over here.

DTB, Baby!

Turning sound into light, and making it heavy.

DTB Preshow

Look here, says I can!

Anyone have any idea what Nook the wolf-dog has to do with Insurance? I love randomness in marketing.

The local Scientologists were kind enough to come out of their building and take a picture of us making fun of Tom Cruise, hehehe. Ulterior motives or not, I respect that.

Windowarp MultiKramer Deadtree

What's the opposite of a Green Thumb?

Red Eye Monster Truck

Separated at Birth?

Guess who has the better sense of humor?

By the way, the top picture is from my archives and it's several months old, so don't bother threatening me if you are a paranoid religious fanatic. I'm not making fun of you, or at least I wasn't at the time, lol.


It's my turn to clean the bathroom and kitchen. Bah!

Anyone want to do it for me? ;-)

(ps, the reason for this post is that I'm procrastinating, hahaha)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Yes I am still here, been a little busy. More posts and stuff soon!