Studio: Serious Business!
Actually I should be careful what I say, lest I attract the attention of the blithering muppet who lives next door (but who just sold his house, for reasons that have nothing to do with me, for $90 000 less than the asking price, hahahaha). Here's a guy (or as he prefers to call himself, a "homeowner") who apparently hates business and music equally, although it should be said that his wife operates a home-based nail salon, and in summer months the kids routinely frolic in their back yard while a tinny ghetto blaster emits Shania Twain ALL DAY LONG (god bless the "repeat" button...). Yes, well at least we know he hates music. This idiot has repeatedly called our landlord with frivolous complaints like, "there's people coming and going from there, I've seen it. I'm a homeowner. Are they running a business? Are they 'cutting discs?' I'm a homeowner. Do they have a licence? I'm a homeowner." Yeah we get it, you own a house, I'm so proud of you. Now beat it with your stupid questions and your phony sense of entitlement. If there's any business going on here, it certainly isn't any of yours.
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